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Registration for a consular reception
13 October 2020 14:22

For your convenience and security, the pre-registration system works through the online registration form


To make an appointment, follow these simple steps:

1. choose a country

2. to choose a diplomatic mission - Embassy,

3. choose the consular action you plan to receive at the Embassy,

4. determine the date and time convenient for you: you should choose from the options offered by the system, and not type the desired date / time yourself; to select a date, you must provide a calendar icon; in the calendar, those dates that are written in gray are not available for writing; the record is open 1 month in advance;

5. fill in personal data, address, telephone and e-mail online; in the lines "Surname", "Name" you can enter only one word without spaces before or after the word, if you have a double surname or double name, please enter only the first part; Please fill in the field for the e-mail address very carefully, as the automatic notification of the system about the completed registration is sent to this e-mail address and also contains a link to cancel the reservation,

6. print a confirmation (or save it on your smartphone) that was sent to the e-mail specified during registration,

7. follow the link in the description to the consular action, which will be sent to you by e-mail, and make sure that you have all the necessary documents and other prerequisites for this consular action,

if necessary - print and fill out the necessary forms (information on this is provided in the links in each description of the consular action),

If the list of consular services does not include the issue you plan to address (for example: marriage registration), you should first contact the Embassy's e-mail address [email protected] or + 964-78-107-00-52

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